Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Disheartening Wednesday


Current Weight: 113.5 


Stupid dinner, stupid corn nuts, stupid stupid stupid!


Forget that, I'm back on track.

Tonight, my auntie is hosting family hot pot at her place and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to spread myself thin and include daily workouts as part of my commitment to improving thyself.  It's not an excuse, I'm just being real.

My goal: eat 2 bites + head to the gym after work.

I'm positive I'll be receiving much unwarranted comments from a fellow relative of mine *cough* Ballow *cough* but keep in mind, no one understands or cares about your personal aspirations as they only care for their own best interests.  I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.  We'll see how it unfolds.

--- Update --- 

Food intake for the day:

Breakfast: my drug of choice

 Snack: a handful of Kirkland Signature Nuts

Lunch:  Scrambled Eggs + Prawns and Sauteed Cauliflower + a Fuji Apple

 Snack: n/a

Dinner: Chinese Style Hot Pot

Consists of a variety of seafood + fresh veggies cooked in a chicken flavored broth, seasoned w/my Auntie's special sauce + Sriracha 

And a Cherry Coke Zero [my opinion, best diet soda ever]

Late night snack: Cubed Watermelon

Everything flew out the window once I arrived at my Auntie's.  Here I was, dressed head to toe in my gym gear.  I was prepared to eat 2 bites and head to the gym but due to my lack of snacks after lunch [damnit], I came starved.  I headed straight to the table, plopped myself down and gorged as I've never gorged before.

I came out feeling 5 months pregnant and all too tired to go to the gym.  Tomorrow will be my first night going back to 24 Hour Fitness since Monday and boy am I looking forward to it.

One more diet tip before I go to bed:
Tip# 4: Your smallest meal should be dinner and eat early, end result? Flatter Abs in the morning, guaranteed!

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